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UI Collective Design System

Easily customizable featuring 40+ components and 1000+ variants.
Streamline Developer Handoff

Design System Tracker Plugin

Guarantee design consistency prior to developer handoff.
Increase Your Interview Chances

Host Your Design Portfolio

Showcase your highlights in minutes with pre-existing question prompts.
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Designer Quiz

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Explore Our Most Popular Free Resources

Downloaded over 5000+ times by designers around the globe.

Design System (LITE)

All the basic components you need to get started.

Accessibility Checklist

Make sure you're following accessibility guidelines.

Component Map

Understand what goes into an effective design system.

Variable Starter Kit

A pre-built variable library, to get you up and running.

Don’t just take our word for it

1000+ designers have used UI Collective to grow their skills, and get the design they need.

I’ve been in design for many years and continue to learn from Kirk and the community.

Matt Wright
Lead Designer, Avaya

It's great to jam with other designers. I love the free monthly events to.

Matic Pelic
Founder, Moio App

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